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Departure of Crispin Mariano

Dated: 11 August, 2023

Our long-serving colleague of over 20 years, Crispin Mariano, is moving back to his home in the Philippines and it is always bittersweet when a valued team member decides to move on to new adventures.

Crispin's journey at Capelle & Partner is a testament to his dedication and versatility within the company. Starting as the sales manager, he quickly rose to the position of General Manager, demonstrating his ability to lead and oversee the business operations while working closely with current CEO Sean Oppenheimer. He then went on to manage the Procurement department.

His decision to retire and return home to the Philippines marks the end of a successful chapter in his career, leaving behind a legacy of hard work and valuable contributions to the company not just through his professional contributions but also through the personal connections he has forged with us.

As we bid farewell to our good friend and colleague we reflect on the positive moments shared, the challenges overcome together, and the laughter that brightened the office. We wish you all the best Crispin!

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